house board

Dalila Valdes
previously course 8, now course 2 - mom and dad of the house (and two cats) - sugar addict in denial - cat lover and puzzle enjoyer
David Burke
house manager
I'm a dad and the official House Old Personâ„¢. I used to be a Navy submariner, then I went to community college and then through a series of clerical errors they accidentally let me come here. 6-4 major so that I'll have brownie points with our future AI overlords.
Andrew Li
master of coin
wannabe musician and computer nerd (long live 6-2) kind of a coffee snob but will drink anything to get that high

Mark Jabbour
computer scientist - will seduce you through the mystical maté arts - syrian by birth, fenway by choice

Course 16 who yearns for course 2 / 3, sold my soul to rocket team and live part-time in the Deep, one day when I retire I want to have time to write a successful dnd one-shot (and maybe a campaign but let’s not get ahead of ourselves)

How will you know if you never try?

Ruidong (Brian) Zhou
Exchange student from Oxford, a Materials Scientist that doomscrolls, doomeats, and doomyaps

junior in course 2 - omelette aficionado - post-punk & techno enjoyer

Sophia P
Laughs at pretty much anything but sometimes can't explain it. Anti-meat. Pro Taco Bell.

Adorable menace. Picture taken after taking a bite off the ceiling moulding. Favortie things to do: run after string toys and waking up her mom at 7am for cuddles. Favorite spots to lay down: unfolded piles of laundry. Taught herself fetch but only one specific toy in one specific spot of the room. Will do anything for lickable treats.

Just a little hungry bebe. Loves wet food and cuddles. Will scream if her food is seved 1 minute late. Steals her sister food, that's why she's getting chonky. Scared of people but loves her mom. Will jump on her lap and start purring as soon as she sits down